Time with our buddy class _ Matariki Stars

We are very lucky to have Room 15 as our buddy class. We meet with them once a week and they help us by listening to us read our new books and help us with challenging activities.By working alongside these older children we are learning about collaborative learning, gaining confidence and making new friends.

Exploring patterns

We have been looking at patterns in Room One. We have been clapping with the beat - we clap fast, clap slow, and making patterns with sound. The trusty beautiful piano has been used to play rhythms which can be echoed by the children.  A child is thinking mathematically once they understand patterns, but patterns are what life is all about ... from the day to night and the solar system, the calendar system, our life source - breathe in and then breathe out, 7 days of the week and then repeat that pattern, the months of the year and then repeat that 12 month pattern - and on and on. Our life is built on the mathematical principal of patterning. *

Look at this wonderful pattern - happy, sad, happy, sad....

*Read more at: http://www.proteacher.net/discussions/showthread.php?t=308033
Copyright © ProTeacher (proteacher.net)


More Perceptual Motor Program fun ....

To read, you have to have to good eye fitness. Your eyes have to be able to track, to be able to move from one side to another.
