Little Piggie Biscuits

More messy kitchen antics....thanks Cameron!

Learning about the Hongi

The children have been learning about the traditional Maori greeting. The hongi is done by pressing the  forehead and then the nose together. It is used at traditional meetings among Maori people and at major ceremonies and serves a similar purpose to a formal handshake. Some of the children preferred to watch, whilst others gave it a go!


Thanks to Olivia and Caitlin who showed the children how to make slime...😆

Seed planting

"Yesterday I planted a seed. First we put a pot, then we put dirt in it, then we put a circle paper in it, then we put in dirt again. It was a Purple Tansy".

"Yesterday I planted some plants and we planted them with Room 23 and I got a Sweet Pea and we worked with the big kids and they are old and you have to melt the mud. We did not all get the same and after we had to wash our hands".
